Whye Choong Low
Whye Choong Low is Head of Asia Pacific and responsible for the management and development of Jaguar’s activities in Asia.
Prior to Jaguar Mr. Low was Head of Asia Pacific for Composition Capital a manager targeting programmatic joint ventures in niche markets and sectors. His previous role to that was Managing Director Investment Management Asia for Lend Lease, where he was responsible for managing its retail portfolio and their third party investment management business managing $4bn in AUM in the region.
Mr. Low was also Managing Partner and Head of Asia for Brookfield Asset Management, establishing their Asia regional office in Hong Kong in 2007. He also held senior real estate positions across Asia Pacific with investment institutions including Macquarie Securities and ABN Amro Asset Management, gaining ample experience in direct real estate transactions and management, investment banking as well as listed real estate. During his career he has been based in Singapore, Hong Kong, Malaysia and Australia. He currently resides in Hong Kong